Monday, November 16, 2009

Let's talk about tofu today. I understand the word itself may sound scary but let me help you with it. Tofu is made by coagulating soy milk and pressing the curds together into blocks. It has very little smell or taste by itself and comes in a variety of forms. The one I like to get is the firm tofu and I don't even remember the brand but at HEB for example it is located in the produce area. So I purchase the tofu and this is the trick I do. I freeze it first which causes the water in the tofu crystalize and in the process it leaves tiny holes in the tofu and makes it spongy. Then I thaw it overnight. Since it has no taste it will absorb the flavor of any other ingredient and spice very well. I made a delicious mixture last night for my fitnesss pyramid. Here are the ingredients: A whole package of tofu thawed and cut into small pieces, a cup of cut celery, half a can of diced tomatoes, half a Granny Smith apple cut into slices and 1/4 cup of almonds (or a handful!!) in 2 tablespoons of olive or sesame oil. The tofu really does not need to be cooked!! All you are doing is mixing it with other flavors and ingredients. After heating the mixture for about 20 minutes on medium heat, add a tsp of cumin, and a tsp of turmeric. I also typically add a table spoon of Hoisin sause to the mixture. You can eat this by itself or top it on a bed of spinach and fresh sliced tomatoes. The entire process from cutting the tofu block to serving the dish takes less than an hour. You can also mix in eggs or egg whites in the mixture to make it more like an omelett. High in protein and vitamins and low in carbohydrates but very filling. Enjoy!


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