Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rest between sets is a great idea when you are lifting weights but here is my alternative which really works for me and keeps my heart rate up... If I'm doing leg presses as part of a lower body workout (primary set), after the set I do a set of pushups either to total fatigue or I do 40-60 reps (depending on how I feel that morning!). My quads are getting a rest while I'm working my pecs, deltoids and core (secondary set). In addition, because you are not totally resting, your heart rate will remain elevated. Keep in mind that it doesn't have to be pushups. As you may know already I REALLY like to do pushups any day of the week. My daily goal is usually between 100 to 200 pushups. But just pick out a few favorite exercises and then sprinkle them through out your primary workout. For example, as I was doing Romanian dead lifts with a 70 lb bar, I also had a 40 lb bar nearby and after each set of dead lifts, I did a set of military presses. The trick is to plan ahead so you don't lose your focus and have the necessary weights to do your 'secondary set' while you are resting from your 'primary set'.


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