Monday, May 14, 2012

What is the Paleo diet?

So my background is not in paleontology but I did take an upper level course in paleontology in graduate school. And many people have recently asked me about the paleo diet or I have had conversations with friends regarding this philosophy. 

It's actually not very difficult to figure out what this diet is all about- paleontology is the study of ancient life using fossil evidence.  A paleo diet is basically nothing that is processed and this make sense.  Mac and Cheese?  I don't think so!  Beets? Yes and some buffalo meat.
Vegetables and fruits and meat and maybe dairy depending on how far back in history you want to go.

These are some things you should stay away from and they are all common sense stuff that you could probably figure out without having to read any articles in the New England Journal of Medicine!!

1.  Nothing out of a box: cereal, crackers, pretzels, cake mix etc.

2. Nothing out of a bag: cereal again, chips, the paleo humans did not have baked chips either!!

3. Nothing with a lot of sugar: unless, yes you guessed it, it's beets :)

4.  Nothing from the frozen section

So basically you can see that if you want to adhere to a paleo diet you MUST stick to the periphery of the grocery store- anything that is perishable is probably OK!

See, you knew all of this already but as soon as some basic common sense idea has a name, everyone needs an expert.   The other very important earth-shattering idea is that the ancient humans did not fight for the nearest parking spot!


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