Tuesday, November 10, 2009

As I was driving to the gym this morning around 3:30, still feeling only half human, I looked at the houses I passed by with their lights out, I felt envious. Wouldn't I want to be in bed still, pulling the covers over me and feeling the coolness of the sheets against my feet? The answer I must confess was a resounding NO! No, as soon as I get on that elliptical and start hiking hard and feel my heart rate go up, I will be on top of the world. Beads of sweat start forming on my body (and I sweat quite a bit) and after about 45 minutes I feel like I have summited the Everest. The 3:30-in-the-morning cobwebs are long gone. My workout partner and I have a Tuesday routine which pretty much involves a total body workout. We have a curcuit including pullups/chinups, pushups, bicep curls, tricep pulldowns. Then as we warm up other exercises are added such as lunges, squats, and a few plyometric exercises.


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