Monday, November 9, 2009

I have been going from the computer to the kitchen about five times in the past 2 minutes to get stuff for kids not mentioning the number of times I got up to intervene since they constantly pick on each other. Do I need a greater reason to work out like a hard core maniac at the gym? Seriously my workouts keep me sane! Today for example... my gym opens at 5 on Mondays so I was there at 5 and did cardio on the elliptical for 40 min at about 80% of my max heart rate. How do I know this? Take 220 and subract your age from it. The number you get is your maximum heart rate. Then while you are doing a cardiovascular exercise, measure your heart rate for 6 seconds and then multiply this number by 10. This number obviously is your heart rate in one minute while you are exercising. Then simply take this number and divide it by your max heart rate and multiply by 100 to get a percentage.

example: your age: 30 220-30=190 your max heart rate
your heart rate in 6 seconds: 16 then multiplied by 10 to get heart rate in one minute
is 160. Then divide 160 by 190 and get a percentage which is then 84%.

The higher this number the harder you are working out. So you can always get a very objective calculation as to how hard your workout is. After my cardio I did 45 minutes of chest, shoulders and triceps. All these muscle groups work together. Anytime you work to push weights away from your body you are working your pectoralis (chest), deltoids (shoulders) and the three muscles in the back of your arms (triceps). The other muscles such as biceps and back are the stabilizers in these exercises. Then later I cycled on my spin bike for an hour. I WAS DONE! Read on tomorrow for a delicious and low carb meal with egg plants!


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