Monday, November 9, 2009

OK now it's time for me to introduce my 'fitness pyramid' maybe known to other people as as salad. But mine are far from it and usually you can not find a piece of lettuce in it unless it's some form of gourmet lettuce from my garden. I typically start my fitness pyramid with a bed of spinach or mixed greens (including chinese cabbage or red cabbage), then pile on slices of cucumbers, tomatoes (if they are in season), soy beans, carrots. As you pile on the veggies your pyriamid keeps getting bigger approaching the top. At this point I add nuts usually walnuts or pecans and then another source of protein like lean red meat, or grilled salmon, tuna etc. Today my fitness pyriamid had the following ingredients: spinach, soybeans, carrots, sliced fresh figs, pomegranate seeds and topped with pecans and tuna. I drizzled (drizzled not poured) some olive oil and added lemon juice. It was so good. Try it and let me know if you like it. This takes minutes to put together as long as you have the healthy ingredients and your fitness pyramid is as limited as your imagination!


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