Thursday, December 3, 2009

Here is what I did this morning at the gym:

Started off by doing 50 minutes of cardio on the elliptical- resistance no less than 10 and incline no less than 15. This was followed by an hour of lower body weight lifting...

leg extension machine: 6 sets of 30lb, 40lb, 45lb and back to 30, each set 8-12 reps- finished off by 100 reps of 35 lb. no rest

leg curl: same as the leg extension- no rest

standing calf machine- 50 lb- 4min., no rest The difference between the standing and the seated calf machines- The standing engages mostly the gastrocnemeous (the muscle used in running) but also the soleus (the muscle underneath the gastroc- used mostly in walking)

leg press: 45 lb plate on each side- 30 reps with feet at three different positions on the foot plate- feet closest to the body- works the quads the most, feet in the middle of the plate- adductors and quads- feet towards the end of the plate- works the glutes. Repeated this but with a 25 lb plate on each side- ended this exercise with 60 reps no weight.

One legged squats- back leg on a bench- holding a 25 lb plate- 3 sets of 15 each leg- again the further the front leg is, the more the glutes are working, if you want to engage the quads more, bring the front leg closer to the bench.

Step ups- 3 sets of 15- no weights- but very slow- if you want to really engage the quads, lift your heel a couple of inches off the bench as you are coming down slowly.

Stiff-legged dead lifts- with a 30 lb bar- 2 sets- slow

finished off this session- and went back to the machines and did almost exactly what I had done at the beginning of the session.

I like to start off the lower body training with the machines to get warmed up- then go to free weights which engage more than one joint and are complex routines then end up back on the machines- It's a crazy-but-exhilarating workout!!

kids off to school--- I got on my spin bike and did a 50 min. interval routine.

I rewarded myself by having a persimmon- we had a persimmon tree in our front yard when I was growing up- try them, they are delicious!


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