Friday, December 25, 2009

News on Glucose

Medical researchers at the University of Alabama have found that decreasing the consumption of glucose, the most common dietary sugar, extends the lifespan of healthy human lung cells and speeds the death of precancerous human lung cells which can reduce the rate of the spread of cancer. This study has wide-ranging potential including ways in which calorie intake restriction can increase longevity and help prevent diseases such as cancer.

Regarding exercise, scientists at the University of Colorado have found that regular exercise can change metabolism related weight reduction in such a way that can reduce the propensity to regain weight.

If you ever want to read the latest medical news, just go to and just do a search on the subject you are interested in. The full text of many of the latest articles are available and you can download the PDF file and read them. It's a great way to keep up with the most recent research without getting it indirectly from magazines such as Health or Fitness which many times confuse correlation with causation.


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