Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Plyometric pushups were the move of the day for me and my workout partner this morning. Hopefully I will post a video of this move this week. Like any other plyometric exercise, it folds a type of 'jump' into a resistance exercise. This type of pushup soon gets very difficult because of the jump factor. So don't expect to do too many, but after you do a few of the plyometrics, go to fatigue by doing regular pushups. If you have been doing pushups on your knees you might start trying to do the regular pushups with your knees OFF the floor. The number of your pushups are directly correlated with how often you do them and how many you do at each set. I realize they are hard, but they do get easier with time! If you are already doing regular pushups, take it to a harder level by bring your hands closer together to engage the triceps more. I guess by now you are getting the picture... there is always another type of pushup that's harder than the one you are already doing.

The other thing I wanted to share with you today is that I made a chocolate 'bread' or 'cake' a few days ago. The entire thing has about 350 to 370 calories and has more than 40 grams of protein and very low card. The ingredients are:
  • 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder
  • 1/4 cup wheat bran
  • 2 tbsp flax seed
  • 4 tbsp wheat gluten
  • 1/4 cup egg whites
  • handful of walnut or pecan pieces
  • enough water to make it into a cake batter consistancy

Bake the mixture at 375 for about 45 minutes or until done. It tastes really good. Try it and let me know what you think.


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