Thursday, December 17, 2009

Move of the day at the gym was pushup-walking from one end of the gym to the other. Yes, it does sound crazy but my pectoralis muscles were soon screaming at me so it must have been a good exercise. You start at one end by doing a pushup then take a step with your hands and feet, then another pushup, until you finish. I actually took a 10 second break when I got to one end. Coming back was brutal. Today was a lower body day, and my hamstrings are sore. The only thing different that I did was while on the leg curl machine, during my 50 rep burnout, I did an isometric hold for about 5 or 6 seconds after each rep. You see, only a small change in your workout, can make you sore which is really a sign that you have surprised your system and your body. Your musculoskeletal system is incredibly adept at getting used to whatever routine you are doing; every time it finds a new equilibrium. You need to always be thinking about ways to break that equilibrium and find a new shock level. That level need not always be heavier weights; it can be simply doing the rep slower, doing more reps, injecting isometric holds into the set, etc.

Stay motivated. This season like Christmases before is full of parties, food, food and more food. Don't give in. Ask yourself, isn't a bite of that cheesecake just as good, maybe even better than an entire slice? Go for that walk instead of eating that cookie! Many of our eating habits can be just out of boredom or impulse. Before I eat something that I know is not good for me, I ask myself, am I hungry? Keep in mind that eating healthy and eating LESS is a skill that you can work on and get better at. So the earth-shattering truth of the day is 'move more and eat less'.


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