Saturday, December 19, 2009

Carbs for Holidays

Are all carbohydrates bad for you?

Well, the answer is pretty obvious and it's no.

Only those foods high in refined carbs with no other nutritional value should at all costs be avoided. White bread, white pasta, white rice are at the top of the list that I typically avoid. In addition to these, crackers with no fiber, and of course any type of chips are also in this to-be-avoided category.

If you have seen the term 'multi-grain' in the nutritional information, this simply means that the food was made with grains other than or in addition to wheat; such as oats, and rice. But multi-grain is not synonymous with whole grain.

During the holidays, we are bombarded (tempted?) with these types of foods as appetizers. What do you do? I usually eat a little food before going to a party; either some fruit or a protein shake. The question I ask myself when I eat at a party or at my own house, is am I still hungry? If the answer is no, that is when I stop. There is a wide range between not being hungry and being full. We are all familiar with the feeling of being full; it's not really a good feeling! My dad always used to say, 'I could eat more, but I won't'.


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