Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sometimes it's really difficult to get motivated... yes even for me! It's 6:30 am on Sunday and I have had my coffee and a little of my low carb, high protein bread. Now it's time to get on my spin bike for about an hour before I go to the gym to lift with my friend. But inertia is working against me this morning. My body is enjoying just sitting on the couch with my feet up and the only activity that's going on is my fingers moving on the keyboard. I pull the laptop closer to get a little more comfortable when I knock over my coffee cup and the coffee gets all over the carpet that was steam cleaned not too long ago. Well, that got my adrenaline going. I gotta clean up and might as well just get on the $#&* bike.

Once I got to the gym and started lifting the cobwebs of early morning were long gone. I like to do chinups/pullups 2-3 days a week. One of those days I mix them with lower body compound moves such as one-legged squats and lunges. I also did leg extensions and leg curls. The Elite rings are fantastic for doing pushups and planks. Basically all exercises on these rings will also engage your core.


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