Monday, January 4, 2010

How Do I Order at a Restaurant?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I almost always take a piece of fruit and some veggies to restaurants with me! Unless it is a very upscale place where I know they have other greens in addition to iceberg and romaine lettuce and I can easily order off the menu.

My husband likes Mexican food so when we go to this little Mexican place and they bring out the salsa, guess what I have the salsa with? No, not chips, but FRUIT. During the winter, I take slices of granny smith or other crunchy apples in a Ziploc bag and I dip them in the salsa and eat them. I often say this, you need to let your taste buds get used to different mixtures of food. Fresh fruit and salsa go very well together. During the warmer months of the year I take slices of peach or nectarine to have with my salsa. And of course I order wine.

But not margaritas. I would rather not drink my calories! Wine has 150 calories for every 4 ounces. Margaritas can have anywhere from 300 to 700 calories per drink. So which would you choose?
If you have read my other posts you know I don't order appetizers. For my meal, I typically order veggies with some kind of lean meat, chicken, fish or shrimp. For a healthy combination of veggies and protein, look under salads... but avoid or order on the side the following:
1. bacon
2. croutons
3. crunchy noodles
4. dressing (I always order this on the side)
5. anything else that is not a vegetable (fried potatoes) or meat
Go easy on the cheese, because most cheese used commercially is highly processed.
Can you guess what is in my second Ziploc bag?


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