Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's on My Mind Today

If you are bored, get out of the kitchen, stop looking in the pantry, don't open the bag of chips just get out! Do something. Like a few crunches or a couple of pushups!

If a product says calorie burner on it, unless it's a stationary bike you are looking at or a stairmaster, don't believe it. Well actually if it has speed in it (metamphetamines), and therefore a stimulant, then it is a calorie burner, but do you really want that in your body?

If you are pregnant, you don't have to eat for two. Chances are, if you do you will set yourself up for a lifetime of wanting to lose those pesky stubborn '10 pounds' that never go away.

Fat is not luggage... you don't carry it. It is stored in your adipose tissue (your fat cells) and you can't just leave it on the floor. It's really simple- but not always easy- move more and eat less.

And the biggest myth that I want to talk about... if your trouble spot is your tummy or your butt or your thighs... YOU CAN NOT SPOT REDUCE! A proper healthy diet along with daily (as in most days of the week not just a couple) exercise will address those spots.


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