Sunday, February 28, 2010

Abs are made in the kitchen!

I have wanted to share with you some abs (abdominal/core) exercises for some time. But let me preface it by saying that no matter how many or how often you do your abs routine, having and showing any definition of abdominal muscles start with sound nutrition. Everyone has rectus abdominal, external oblique and internal oblique muscles but often they can be covered by a thin layer of fat or layers of fat. If we limit the accumulation of these layers, then the abdominal muscles will start showing.

Most of the exercises that you will see were done on a bench but you can also do them on the floor. In fact I always say you only need one equipment to do your ab routine and that is the floor.

1. Crunches on the bench or the floor- you can put your hands behind your head or on your chest- just imagine that you have a light bulb tucked between your chin and your upper chest and you don't want to break it- this will prevent you from tilting your head down which can strain your upper back and neck muscles. So always try to make a nice straight line extending from your head through your hips.

2. The boat pose can be done on the floor as well. As the image shows you want to hold this pose for several seconds and then release. To make it harder, put your hands behind your head.

3. Bicycle crunches- Basically in this exercise try to bring your elbow close to the opposite knee. Perform these exercises and any other core exercise using the strength of your abs and NOT YOUR ARMS!

4. Head to Toe- This might be a bit harder than it seems or sounds. You really should make a straight line from your head to your hips. Your arms should be extended above your head and in this position you will want to fold at the hips and bring your hands in close proximity to your feet.

5. The plank- the dreaded plank is pretty self-explanatory and ONE OF THE BEST CORE EXERCISES. Hold the plank position on your elbows and your toes. Don't let your butt sink in or be up in the air!!! Make a straight line with your body and parallel to the floor.

I try to do a few of these exercises a couple of times a week. Remember pushups, chinups and pullups all incorporate the core musculature. In addition, many of the upper body and lower body routines involve the abs indirectly.

But... it all starts and ends in the... kitchen.

Have fun!


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