Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mom, You Can Pick Up a Car

I used the little bit of snow we got as a great excuse to sleep in until 6 this morning (for those who know me, this is really sleeping in!!)- then after a Turkish coffee got on my spin bike and cycled for about 1.5 hours. Somehow the 7 hours of sleep I got really energized me and so I had to do another spin workout this afternoon as my son was working on his spelling list. As he was occasionally looking up at me from his paper, he said, "Mom, I bet you can pick up a car". Now that is the kind of complement that warms my heart especially when it's so sincerely expressed by my 9 year old.

Before I get to the peanut sauce I made last night, I need to get something off my chest. I was accidentally watching "The View" on my computer as I was spinning away and they were talking about being overweight and whether it's OK to be fat. One of the brilliant ladies on the show asked 'what is fat?' And she was saying how some women are big boned but not fat and that not all fat people have diabetes or die of heart disease.

My response to the above profound comments:

1. It is not OK to be fat- it's unhealthy and if you are truly big-boned you better be on the women's Olympic Luge team (have you seen them?- they are all muscle). For most of us being big boned is a euphemism for being OVER-WEIGHT.

2. Not all fat people have diabetes or die of heart disease? Well for this to happen, just give it time... and if neither happens they were lucky and were protected by good genes. But do we really want to take that chance?

3. For most people calculating the BMI is a very objective method to find out whether they need to lost weight.


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