Friday, October 29, 2010

Is Candy Really That Bad for You?

A writer, Dr. Samira Kawash, who created the Candy Professor blog recently wrote a funny story in the New York Times.  A few years ago, hr daughter, who was 3 at the time, was invited to a friend's house.  At snack time,Dr. Kawash noticed that there was sugar around in the form of juice and cookies so she brought out some jelly beans.  The mother, horrified, explained that her child had never had candy and maybe just once was going to be OK.  The father shouted from the other room they might as well give the child some crack cocaine.

Interesting!  The parents were so irrational, Dr. Kawash thought.  They didn't think the juice boxes and cookies were basically other forms of candy but jelly beans were more corrupt.  Americans have interesting ideas when it comes to candy.  They are OK with Gatorade (candy) and granola bars (candy) and Coke (candy)- oh but no... they NEVER have candy at the house.  "At least candy is honest about what it is" says D. Kawash.  It has always been a processed food.  But other foods such as some of the more expensive granola bars (Luna bars, Cliff bars, Zone bars) have tons of sugar but no one is admitting that these are candy in disguise (OK with a little protein thrown in!)

A Serving of Gatorade has the same amount of sugar as a dozen pieces of candy corn.

Here are other food stuff that may have the halo of health food but are really not that healthy:

Many types of protein bars sold in the 'diet/health' isle at the store
Graham crackers
Low fat graham crackers!!
Sports drinks such as Powerade or Gatorade
Many types of crackers that are over processed
Caramel pop corn
Baked beans
Jelly (candy in a jar)
Instant Oatmeal
The list goes on...


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