Thursday, November 18, 2010

Don't Exercise, Just Get the Easy Tone Apparel

Right!  Have you seen the recent advertisements from Reebok?  Wait a minute, yes we have been wasting our time on exercise.  Now we can just give all that up, sleep in and not go to the gym and instead just wear the Easy Tone apparel from Reebok and get toned!  I also have a huge land in Florida that I am willing to sell for real cheap!!

Seriously?  Do they really think the consumers have no brain cells?  This kind of advertisement is up there with the belt you can wear that jiggles you and melts away your fat and you only see those ads late at night on cable.  The Reebok ad is being shown during prime time on network T.V.  What a shame!!

Listen, if this was some kind of drug it would need FDA approval.  But because they can sell it as 'clothes' they can pretty much claim whatever they want.  The short sleeve shirts are on Reebok's website for $55.  And while I am ranting about 'toning clothes' let me just dispel the myth about toning shoes.  No they can't tone.   Nothing can tone but cardio and weights and a clean diet.  Sorry America, I know we are always waiting for the easy-way-one-step-to obesity-reduction solution.  But it just doesn't work this way.  The most those shoes will do is to ensure you sprain one of your ankles!

So instead, save your money, get up and go for a brisk walk in your regular shoes, with normal clothes and reward yourself with a piece of fruit.


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