Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My New Find... Turban Squash

Over the years I have tried many types of squash, but I hadn't tried the Turban squash.  The baking is pretty simple... just stick it in the oven at 350 for about an hour.  It comes out pretty soft which you can cut pretty much with a butter knife.  It has seeds so take the seeds out and scrape out the flesh with a spoon.  Add a little splenda and cinnamon.  This morning I also added an egg white and cooked the whole thing in the microwave for 30 seconds.  So delicious.  With a tiny bit of creativity in the kitchen (and believe me I have a genetic mutation in that department) you can add many different components to this very mild squash.

The Turban squash has an orangey or golden flesh and is very mild.  So if you look on the internet many recipes use it in cookies, but we are going to eat clean, right?  So please don't ruin a very healthy food by adding it to a cookie dough.  Here are some numbers for you: Per 100 grams, it has 37 calories, almost 9 grams of carbs, very little fat, 9 grams of protein and close to 2 grams of fiber.  Like many other winter squashes it keeps firm for several weeks in a cool dry place.  It looks more like a decorative gourde than an edible fruit.  But rest assured you will not be disappointed.  It is so mild that you can add many different types of foods to it to increase its nutritional value (i.e. egg whites).


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