Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let's Break All the New Year Resolutions Relating to Diet

Why do we even make resolutions?  Because it's a new year? So what? Our resolutions that relate to better eating and smaller portion sizes are usually so extreme and draconian that we can't keep them any way.  Why not make smaller, softer and easier to keep changes every week... the weeks will add up to make the months and the year and before we know it, we have created a resolution that we have actually kept.  So let's start with smaller changes, say this week and see how we do.  These are some things I suggest, they will be very specific and hopefully easy to follow.

1. At the grocery store: Buy 10 items at the produce section- whether they are fruits; apples, grapefruits or grapes, or veggies; carrot sticks, lettuce, or spinach.

2. At the grocery store: Buy 3 types of meat: Fish, chicken and turkey or pork.  You can get them pre-cooked like the rotisserie chicken, get the fish fillet (fish cooks in very little time- for salmon, if you cook it for 10 minutes, you have over cooked it).  Tenderloin pork- cooks in the oven in as little as 25 minutes.

3.  At the grocery store: Sometimes with kids, there is no way out of having some junk food at the house.  So since you know, that sugary cereals such as Corn Pops, and Cocoa Puff, count these food types as junk food as well.  So say for example, "OK, we are either buying Cocoa Puffs or cookies, not both".  This strategy not only saves money but also cuts down on the variety of junk food.  Studies suggest the more variety you have, the more you will eat!!

4.  At home: When you are cooking fish, try to cook for more than one meal, so you are taking care of two or three dinners.  One package of tenderloin is more than 3 servings, so depending on the number of family members you can cook one or two tenderloins at a time. 

5.  At home: Make the vegetables and the salad more than just a side dish.  Especially if you are trying to lose weight.  As I have said before, make a pyramid of vegetables and top it off with protein.  The veggies will make you full and the protein will stabilize your blood sugar so you won't be hungry for a while.  With three types of meat and several types of vegetables you will have a variety of different dishes to eat and present to your family.

6.  At the grocery store and at home: Stay away from buying and having too much rice, beans, pasta and bread.  All of these WILL slow down if not halt your weight loss.  Remember that consuming carbohydrates (refined carbohydrates especially) will cause your pancreas to secrete insulin, the hormone that will cause your fat cells to store fat and not to burn it.

Notice I don't like to use the word try!! Don't try... do it!! 

In addition, don't concentrate on the end result, instead focus on the journey and the process and the end result will take care of itself.

And the most important thing to remember: Always have salsa around!


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