Our workout this morning (Daphne and I- partners in crime) was a HIIT workout with 40s on/10s off.
This simply means the exercise segment is 40 sec with 10 sec rest. You can change the type of each exercise but if you want to make it hard/harder, you need to stick with as many plyometrics as possible.
Our version is 46 min long.
1. box jumps
2. squat press
3. burpees (with or without pushups)
4. dips
5. jumps squats
6. wall balls
7. jump lunges
8. plank with opposite knee to elbow
9. power jacks (jump jacks holding light weights)
10. mountain climbers
If you want to make it easier, you can move the plyometric exercises to the bottom of the list because that way you will do them fewer times. As it is, you will be doing box jumps 11 times.
Like I said, as awesome workout, a fusion of cardio and strength training.
Happy workout :)
Are Americans Doing Fitness Wrong?
6 hours ago